31st Doctoral Colloquium

May 27-29, 2018

Glasgow, UK

Important Date
Paper Submission Deadline: 24 
January 2018 15:00 CET Time

Arnaud De Bruyn (ESSEC Business School, France)


Marketing Research - Intermediate/Advanced
Chair: Arvind  Rangaswamy (PennState University, USA)
Co-chairs: Els Gijsbrechts (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
                 P. K. Kannan (University of Maryland, USA)

Marketing Research - Beginner
Chair: Kapil Tuli (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Co-chair(s): Katrijn Gielens (UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, USA)
                  Girish Mallapragada (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (Bloomington))

Marketing Strategy - Intermediate/Advanced
Chair: Ajay Kohli (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Co-chairs: Raji Srinivasan (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
                Michael Haenlein (ESCP Europe, Germany)

Marketing Strategy - Beginner
Chair: Stefan Wuyts (Koç University, Turkey)  
Co-chairs: Kenneth Wathne (Stavanger University, Norway)
                Steven Seggie (Özyeğin University, Turkey)
Consumer Behavior - Intermediate/Advanced
Chair: Stijn van Osselaer (Johnson at Cornell University, USA)
Co-chairs: Vicki Morwitz (NYU, USA)      
                Eileen Fischer (York University, Canada) 
Consumer Behavior - Beginner
Chair: Steven Sweldens (Erasmus University, Netherlands)
Co-chairs: Elizabeth Cowley (University of Sydney, Australia)
                Bart De Langhe (ESADE, Spain)

Call for papers:
Candidates should submit an abstract of the (planned) doctoral research, outlining the research
problem against the existing literature, discussing the methodology and showing some initial empirical results (if applicable).

Abstracts must be no shorter than 5 pages, and may go up to 7 pages maximum for the most advanced projects. Cover/title page, references, tables, figures if any are included in the maximum number of pages mentioned here.

The name of the candidate and of the thesis advisor(s) (if already known) and contact details should appear on the first page of the abstract.

Papers will be grouped in three different tracks by the faculty (Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior). Each track will be divided into a Beginner’s and an Intermediate/Advanced Track.

In order to allocate papers to the most appropriate track in terms of topic and advancement stage, and to better balance the number of submissions across tracks, candidates will be requested to send additional information by filling out a questionnaire.

Application Process:

  1. In case you do not have an EIASM profile, create it HERE
  2. Complete the questionnaire HERE
  3. Submit your abstract via the EIASM paper submission page (the link is also indicated at the end of the above questionnaire)

No submission will be processed without the questionnaire filled out and the asbtract. NO CV is required.

The submissions will be evaluated by the chair-person and co-chairs of the Doctoral Colloquium.

The admitted proposals in each track will be made available to all participants in the corresponding track to allow everyone to prepare for the discussions.

Students selected for the Beginner’s Tracks will have an hour to present their work and research ideas, whereas students selected for the Intermediate/Advanced Track will have an hour and a half.

For more information &  questions about the Doctoral Colloquium, please see the announcement

Thank you for your participation in the conference.